DevOps일반2025년 DevOps 공부 아이템

2025 DevOps 연구(역량 강화) 계획

1. GitOps / IaC(Infrastructure as a Code)

IaC - Terraform, Ansible 등 git의 코드로 동작하는 DevOps 전반
GitOps – the practice of using Git repositories to manage infrastructure configurations and operations – has been gaining popularity and is expected to become a standard practice.

2. Multi-Cloud DevOps / SA와 인프라 업무

AWS, Azure 공부

Redis PaaS

VM에 docker container로 올리는 대신 다음 PaaS로 변경 (가격이 비슷함)

  • AWS Elasticache for Redis / Memcached
  • Azure Cache for Redis


Azure / DevOps

Rolling update시 404 error 해결 후보들

금천미트에서 해결하지 않은 것

1. Blue/Green Canary deployments

2. Serve static assets from an external CDN (or external storage)

3. Layer 7 LB (Load Balancer)
  • AWS ALB, Azure Application Gateway와 session stickiness 기능

3. Serverless Architecture

AWS Lambda, serverless Aurora 등, 기존 infrastructure overhead를 줄일 수 있다.

4. Python

for automation such as AWS Lambda - gitOps에 여러 부분을 자동화

5. Kubernetes Maturity

Container orchestration에서 쿠버네티스는 계속 표준이 될 것이고 기능이 강화될 것 (아이스크림미디어는 1.29, 현재 1.32 나오는 중)

5-1. Telemetry

Prometheus, Grafana, Kiali, Jaeger
AWS CloudWatch를 통한 모니터링 서비스

5-2. Service Mesh

Istio 기능 고도화

5-3. Adaptive Scaling

Dynamic resource scaling based on predictive analytics will become a core capability.

6. Network

VPN 구성, Load Balancer, Firewall, Azure NIC, Azure NSG, Azure PrivateLink
AWS와 Azure의 Kubernetes의 Network Plugin / Network Policy
CNI 종류 Calico / Cilium / AWS VPC CNI / Azure CNI → which supports virtual node?

7. AI Cloud Services / GenAI adoption in AIOps

AWS Bedrock - foundation model과 multi-modal integration
AWS SageMaker - 학습에 필요한 리소스

8. DevSecOps / Cybersecurity

오픈 이전에 모의해킹이 아닌 개발 단계에서 꾸준한 보안 체크 필요

  1. (unauthorized) Shadow AI - pull from a cloud instance and go away (data leakage)
  2. Deepfake - $25million $35million
  3. Exploits/Malware - GenAI can write malware
    Amazon has reported a significant increase in potential cyber threats in 2024, detecting nearly 1 billion possible incidents daily, up from 100 million earlier this year. This surge is partly attributed to the growing use of artificial intelligence by attackers.
    Similarly, British telecom company BT has observed a substantial rise in cyber-attack signals, detecting 2,000 potential attacks per second on its network. In July 2024, BT noted a 1,200% increase in malicious scanning activities compared to the same month the previous year.
  4. Prompt injection attack → OWASP에서 LLM을 상대로한 1위 공격 방법이 될 것이다. 2025년 보안의 최대 이슈.
  5. Increase of Attack Surface
  6. AI phishing
  7. (1-6까지는 Risk, 6은 강화) AI 추천 response for cyberattacks → 추천 대응 방안을 내놓으면 전문가가 택해서 실행

9. Edge computing / Distributed Cloud

Unlike a centralized environment, Edge Computing distributes processing and data collection across various points at the network’s edge, reducing latency and, consequently, increasing efficiency.
Distributed Cloud(중앙+edge) > Edge > CDN
CDN에서 확장 개념 - 동적 real-time processing. ioT 환경에서 우선 도입 중.